Since inception and subsequent start of operations in September 2013 —- our activities continued full swing. Some of our accounts/activities are as follows:-
TubeRose Logistics—-Our key client and associate in many ventures. We handle Round Logs imported from Malaysia, Burma, P&G, and the Solomon Islands. Equipment used on vessels is Log Grabs backed by generators, Volvo Wheel Loader, and trailers. We do lighterage of logs in anchorage (Diamond harbor and Sagour) in our barges and empty the same in the dock using heavy cranes. Since September 2013, we have handled approx 500,000 MT of log cargo in dock/anchorage, for our principal TUBEROSE LOGISTICS.
Jiwan International (JKI) and their associates Shadiram & SRS –We are their preferred Handlers and Stevedores for their grain cargo. We have handled over 350,000 mt wheat/pulse cargo starting later half of 2017, for them. Complete operation from anchorage to truck delivery was done by us.
ETC GROUP–Again we have been selected alongside Tuberose logistics to handle their vessels from Sagar Anchorage to delivery on trucks. We have handled more than 500,000 mt cargo for them.
COAL / IRON ORE/ GYPSUM/LIMESTONE/ HANDLING INSIDE KOLKATA PORT—–Our forte is bulk handling and delivery to wagons. Since inception, we have done bulk handling and wagon loading for companies like USHA MARTIN, AGARWAL COAL, TMIL, BENGAL ENERGY, SARAOGI GROUP, PARAG VINIMAY, APICAL IMPEX, and a host of other Indenting Agents. Our spread of equipments like Cranes with Grabs, JCB, Range of Loaders, Dumpers, Excavators, and dedicated labour force has handled over 18,00,000 MT of cargo since inception. WE ARE PREFERRED HANDLERS AND STEVEDORES FOR AGARWAL COAL FOR THEIR ENTIRE OPERATION IN ANCHORAGE AND KOLKATA DOCK.
Jindal ITF—- We were the official Stevedore for Jindal ITF and we supply men, equipments, gears, etc for stevedoring operations in Sandhead, Sagar, Diamond Harbour.
National Group—-We handled the vessel SAGAR MOTI, SAKURA GLORY, ATLANTIC ACE, MARCOLINA, and others (stevedoring, lighterage, bagging, stitching, stacking, and delivery) along with Tube Rose Logistics and completed discharge at a record time earning dispatch for our principals. The cargo was Peas.
United Liner Agency—-We did lighterage operations along with stevedoring —-with our barge —-for the Vessel BIRCH 4 at Sagar anchorage. The cargo was R.P.Coke. We handled a critical project cargo on MV BEAGLE and completed discharge of 7,200 MT in just 4 days. The principal Hanssey Shipping, Singapore commended us for that. We completed the project vessel MV GENIUS STAR 111 in record 3 days and were highly commended.
BoxcoWorld (a part of J M Baxi Group) —- As a sub-vendor for Boxco World, we handled MV Leonarriso carrying raw sugar for SRI RENUKA SUGARS, HALDIA ——- at Sagour anchorage and arranged the complete lighterage/ stevedoring operation with barges. Further synergies are in pipeline.
Oswal Minerals—-We handle complete lighterage /stevedoring operations in Sagour anchorage for their vessels. To date, we have handled over 200,000 MT manganese for them in anchorage which included lighterage operations. Some notable vessels were MV SANMAR PHOENIX, CAPTAIN HARRY, SHANDONG HAIDA, LORETTO, LUCKY LIFE, NALUHU, DIAMOND STAR, CASTLE GATE, and others.
Sudima Group–Singapore—-We handled the vessel MV PHUTAI, DYNAMIC OCEON 09, DYNAMIC OCEON18, CHINA SPIRIT, etc, and completed discharge of logs in Jetty / Anchorage in record time. Further vessel agencies have been awarded to us.
Lords Group—-We did a Top-up operation along with stevedoring on the vessel KAI HE and EAST GATE S —with our barges. The cargo was Iron Ore. We have been selected as the preferred shipping vendor for Top-up and stevedoring for all the future export cargo of this organization.
Deblines—-They are our regular client for manganese lighterage in Sagar Anchorage along with handling activities in Haldia Port.
Emerald Group—-We handled the vessels MV SONOMA, PEGASUS, SPRING WARBLE, SHOUSHAN, STAHLA, and others with coal intended for SAIL. We have been selected as the preferred shipping vendor for all future vessels on East Coast. We completed discharge in record time for the above vessels.
Rohit Ferro–We handled complete lighterage operation including barging for their vessel MV KIRAN ASYA, for which we were highly commended. Further synergies are in pipeline.
New Star Agency—-We are giving on hire our excavators and other equipment for their dredging site operations.
Ripley Group—-We give our barges on hire for their vessels which do cargo lighterage at Sagar Anchorage , intended for Haldia. We are undertaking Bulk handling of their cargo in Kolkata dock too.
Sohom Group—-We are giving on hire our Log Grabs, Bulk Grabs, Shore Cranes, Wheel Loaders, JCB, Excavators, Barges for their various cargo.
B Ghose—-We are giving on hire our Barges, Excavators and other equipment for their various cargo.
ITTPL—-we are giving on hire our equipment for their various cargo.
The above activities are testimony to the fact that with well-maintained assets and skilled workforce, an organization in its inception stage can also contribute to the industry and start operations from day one. The vision of our Director Mr. Mahabir Gupta is to ensure that the shipping industry in Kolkata/ Haldia should always be supported with men, material, and the right intention so that Kolkata/ Haldia becomes the hub of shipping in eastern India.